Autistic Asperger at 50 years old
After a chaotic professional life and an ever-present feeling of being out of step, Sylvie Seksek discovered that she had Asperger's autism at the age of 51.
In this funny and moving story, full of anecdotes, she relives her journey and describes how the awareness of her autism turned her personal and professional life upside down.
How can we explain, for example, that she found herself waiting for a hypothetical bus, traveling on TGV rails? What is the link with autism? What happened in her head? And why this habit of inviting herself into the cars of people she doesn't know?
This book is for all people, autistic and non-autistic, who want to know more about autism "experienced from the inside". Some may recognize themselves in the situations encountered by Sylvie, and find some explanations or ideas to alleviate their difficulties.
Those who support autistic people will thus understand how certain everyday situations, which seem trivial to non-autistic people, can be exclusionary and even have serious consequences.
Finally, this book will provide keys to better understand autistic people and their daily challenges.
Sylvie Seksek
144 pages - 14.5 x 21 cm
"Sylvie Seksek, diagnostiquée autiste Asperger à 50 ans, partage son expérience et offre des explications claires et humoristiques sur l'autisme. Ce livre est accessible à tous et couvre divers aspects du quotidien des autistes. Un ouvrage à lire pour mieux comprendre et s'adapter."
"Une belle découverte pour les non-autistes également. Une lecture très intéressante, drôle et émouvante."